
"If you're seeking personal growth and healing by delving deep into your inner self, I highly recommend working with Adrian. He possesses an exceptional ability to create a safe and nurturing environment filled with love and self-acceptance. Adrian can skillfully guide you through the process of self-exploration and growth. I've been working with him for over six months now, and it has completely transformed the way I perceive myself and my ability to connect with my deepest emotions.

Working with him has been a truly transformative experience, and I am grateful for the profound positive impact it has had on my life."
1-1 Integration Client
"I reached out to Adrian because I was curious about microdosing, even though I hadn’t tried it before. He was very open and asked if we could speak on the phone and he began by asking my “why”- why was interested in microdosing. He went over in detail the importance of intention setting and integration to receive the full benefits, and even checked on me every week to answer questions and listen to my experience. I felt incredibly supported by his guidance, kindness and curiosity.

If you are interested in microdosing, I would definitely recommend working with him, someone who is aligned with the practice, understands it and brings the deeper knowledge of meditation, mindfulness and yoga into his work. I have been taking it for over two months and combined it with talk therapy and have noticed huge changes in my thought patterns, more awareness of my feelings and emotions and felt my anxiety lessen, sleep improve and just feeling more at ease and connected to the world, nature and people. I’m excited to see where it goes from here.

So grateful for the healing. Thank you, Adrian."
Microdose Client
"Help yourself feel better and understand yourself. If you suffer depression or anxiety and microdosing is knocking at your door. Adrian is your person to go to. On the first chat you will feel like you've known him forever. Your life will be changed."
Microdose client
"Resistance is futile, plant medicine taught me through physical discomfort and difficult experiences. If you are called to work with Adrian, do it. The light Adrian shines into this world is other worldly and healing. I trust him with my life as he makes it very comfortable when he learned more about me in our 1:1 sessions. I’v done two ceremonies with him and so many more to come.

His intuition is spot on on how he can help those who are ready to do the work."
1-1 Integration & retreat participant
"My experience during the group microdose was positive. What drew me to it is that Adrian advocates for an intentional process and for the value of integration. I had not tried microdosing before and the group experience was a good way to chart things. It was helpful to arrive at the comfortable dose and have structure to work within. It helped me affirm that some of the best healing is done with others.”
Group Microdose Participant
“Working with Adrian has honestly been amazing. Adrian has been a friend of mine for 10 plus years. I always extremely weary of anything that had to do with plant medicine but I finally decided to give it a try. I have been dealing with severe anxiety for over 15 years and so far his help has really been beneficial. I know it’s not going to fix my anxiety but this whole process is along me more aware and understanding of myself. Hit up my boy Adrian you won’t be disappointed!”
Microdose Client
"I was first called to start working with plant medicine about two years ago. I quickly realized their extraordinary healing power - but also - that integrating these experiences was going to be key to lasting transformation. This is when the universe brought the wonderful, insightful, wise man named Adrian into my life. I am so grateful to have Adrian by my side to work through all the growing pains - but mostly - to be my cheerleader in letting go of my mind and coming into my heart.

He is truly meant to do this work and has helped me far beyond words can express."
1-1 Integration Client
"I hired Adrian to act as my guide for my plant medicine ceremony. He was a consummate professional. We first had a session for preparation regarding developing a fleshed-out intention, diet and medicine review. On the actual day he arrived on time, and he provided a very safe and protected environment. He was very empathetic and I felt secure that if I had any difficulty that he would provide a reassuring and calm support. He never left my presence but provided enough space so I could determine what I needed. He also provided the opportunity to have a sound healing bath.

I recommend without hesitation Adrian as a responsible and guide for such an endeavor."
Lyn, MD
1:1 ceremony client
"I recently attended a retreat put on by Adrian and I was absolutely blown away. This definitely won’t be my last one with him, actually I signed up for their next one as soon as he announced it- that’s how amazing the first one was!

The whole weekend was so relaxed and laid back and full of connections, both with myself and others. The number of people that attended was absolutely perfect! I felt that I was able to get however much personal attention I needed because there wasn’t an overwhelming amount of people!. I was a bit worried that I would be disappointed since my last ceremony was in Costa Rica- but that was far from the truth. I was beyond happy, over the moon excited and so happy with the outcome!

The amount of preparation and integration they do with you is unmatched and just shows how dedicated they are to your personal journey and helping you work through whatever you’re going through. Not only did they facilitate such a transcendence experience but the support they provided was unlike any I’ve experienced! This retreat was extremely powerful and amazing I am forever grateful to have this connection and be able to work with Adrian.

From the bottom of my heart- thank you for what you do and what you’ve done for me."
Retreat participant
"For the first time ever, I recently had the opportunity and privilege to participate in a retreat. I reached out to inquire for more information and was met with such professionalism, knowledge warmth, & kindness, I just knew this was the event for me. Adrian secured a safe & beautiful place up in the mountains to serve as the container for the retreat. The accommodations were amazing, the participants were kind and I found Adrian who facilitated the ceremonies to be engaging, inclusive & very knowledgeable in the art of holding ceremony and the plant medicine that he works with.

Thank You Adrian for this amazing experience. I’ll always remember how You made me feel in the space."
retreat participant
I've heard of microdosing before from videos of Silicon Valley, but I never really considered it for myself. However, this year the opportunity presented itself to me and I felt a huge calling to work with the medicine to help me move past some stagnant energy that was keeping my own energy chained, and turn it into creative work. I thought this would really help me tap into my creativity at a deeper level and help with songwriting so why not give it a go. Funny enough though, it actually changed my entire life for the positive and the rewards continue to show up without an end. I like to say this medicine has served as a "recalibration and rewiring" of my brain and entire system. Lately I like to compare it to being on cloud 9 mentally because it just feels so peaceful and the energy is so vibrant that my brain isn't used to it.

All the emotions that would weigh me down like anxiety, doubt, stagnation, or anger have literally dissolved. I'm not saying everyday is rainbows and butterflies, but even my outlook and reaction to everything has shifted and become bright and clear. As for my creativity, it's boosted in many ways once I found my correct dose that enforced the focus and creative flow state. If you're a musician, this medicine really helps with opening all the channels and removing the fear. It feels like using parts of you that you've never accessed before...dare I say magical.

I'm really grateful for Adrian's help throughout this whole process so I didn't panic when certain events or emotions would rise from the medicine. He explained how it's teaching me a lesson to understand and he would give really amazing integration assistance on how to continue progressing, correct dosing, and would always check in so I'm not overwhelmed as a total beginner to working with plant medicine.

Truly, I 100000% recommend working with Adrian during your micro journey because he actually cares to help you without any other underlying gain. If you're feeling called, please know it's for a reason and it will be for your life in so many beautiful ways beyond what our minds can imagine. Thank you again Adrian!
Microdose client
to change the world - start with yourself

It all starts with you!

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation? I AM here to help you unlock your full potential and cultivate a deeper sense of connection with yourself and the world around you. Whether you’re seeking relief from stress and anxiety, looking to enhance your creativity and productivity, or simply wanting to explore new avenues of personal growth and healing, plant medicine IS AVAILABLE TO PROVIDE the support and guidance you need to achieve your goals. So why wait? Take the first step on your journey towards greater well-being and fulfillment today. connect with ME TO CONSULT WHAT YOUR PATH OF HEALING WITH PLANT MEDICINE COULD LOOK LIKE. THE time to start experiencing the transformative power of nature for yourself is now. the only question left to ask is: Are you ready?

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